21 Simple Herbs


Become a Kitchen Herbalist

You'll learn about the term Kitchen Herbalist in the course, but basically to become an herbalist you need to be familiar with several herbs.

But how do you choose?

Ashwagandha vs. Astragalus? Eleuthero vs. Panax? Schisandra or Rehmannia? The list of tonic herbs can be a long and winding road, reflecting an understanding of the inner workings of the immune system and of the multiplicity of mechanisms at work in the combinations of different active ingredients.

In this course, I will provide you with my handpicked 21 Simples that I always keep on hand in my kitchen practice.

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What are Simple Herbs?

A Simple is one herb used at a time. It is an herbal approach utilized all over the world. One plant, in your garden or growing in the wild near your home, picked and used to make a tea.

One carefully chosen Simple could treat everything from a stomachache to arthritis. When we use one herb at a time, we become very familiar with that herb. We become intimate partners with the plant and learn to trust what it does and to observe its effectiveness.

All of the 21 Simple Herbs are safe, easy to purchase in either tincture or tea form, and very effective. Try them one at a time and see how they can work to restore harmony in mind and body.